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Webinar: Powering Past Coal

Helena Gray

16. Mai 2023

The Powering Past Coal Alliance invites you to join us for the discussion on how to transition the electricity grid from coal to clean energy with the UK’s National Grid.

The Powering Past Coal Alliance invites you to join us for the discussion on how to transition the electricity grid from coal to clean energy with the UK’s National Grid.

Date: 16 May, 14:00 BST / 15:00 CEST / 7:00 MST

Online, register here:

Developing and modernising electricity grids is a vital enabler of the clean energy transition. Integrating renewable energy sources and increasing electrification of major sectors of the economy, whilst maintaining security of supply and affordability for consumers, are the crucial technical challenges in the transition towards net zero power systems.

Thanks to this webinar, you will gain an in-depth analysis and insights on how to overcome these challenges. It will bring together grid operators and utilities, as well as policy and regulatory experts as well as all those interested in accelerating transformational changes in the power sector. 

National Grid in the UK is a public utility focussed on transmission and distribution of electricity. It has successfully managed the fastest ever transition from coal to clean energy in the world to date, showcasing that it is feasible to phase out coal rapidly, without affecting costs or system reliability.

You will hear directly from National Grid’s expert speakers, who will cover key factors that enabled such a swift yet safe transition:  the policies and legislation introduced by the UK Government to shift the dial on phasing out coal and phasing in renewables on different time horizons (from minutes to months); the role of grid infrastructure and network development; future planning; and mitigating the operability challenges posed by the transition. In the discussion, the US-based system operator(s) will share perspectives and challenges from their work to develop market solutions to modernise the grids.

The webinar will open the new PPCA series of events and publications aimed to examine examples of successful coal exit strategies and opportunities arising from the energy transition. The series will look at the ways in which the diverse membership of the Alliance has used planning, sound policies, and targeted funding to accelerate the transformational changes in the power sector, the challenges they have faced, and the big picture that can be draw from their experience.

The webinar will be moderated by Pembina Institute and PPCA Secretariat.


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