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GGI media briefing ahead of COP28

Today, the GGI leadership team held a briefing for journalists on the defining issue of the energy transition – whether and when grid infrastructure has the capacity and capability to transmit, store and supply the world’s energy needs.

The headline figures:

  • Annual investment in grids needs to more than double by 2030 to $600bn and reach over $1 trillion by 2040 for the 1.5oC pathway.

  • Global electricity grids that took 130 years to build need to more than double in length by 2040 and increase by another 25% by 2050

Since the Green Grids Initiative launched at COP26, this issue has increasingly become central to public and political debate and has risen up the newsroom agenda. Independent journalism has an essential role to play in the energy transition and broader climate mission: holding power to account, shining a spotlight on solutions and trailblazers, building awareness and momentum, and combatting harmful misinformation.

This briefing gave a 101-level overview about the importance of regional and cross-border green grid interconnectivity, progress being made, challenges and opportunities. It covered:

  • Why green grid interconnectivity is fundamental to the energy transition

  • What the Green Grids Initiative is and the progress that’s been achieved since launching at COP26

  • Who is involved and what lessons have been learned from flagship projects and the global leaders in this space so far

  • Where the opportunities are for improving the access of grid projects to finance / funding (and what are the current roadblocks)

  • How innovators are advancing new technologies to make grid interconnectivity possible

If you are interested in connecting with anyone in the GGI Ecosystem, please do get in touch with GGI Ecosystem Coordinator, Lucy Pearson at

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